During year 1 of Project LEO, the Low Carbon Hub has worked with its 43 existing projects and 17 new projects to form a pipeline of ‘Plug-in Projects’ (PiP) for Project LEO.
This pipeline would:
- Provide the range of Plug-in Projects required to complete fully automated flexibility service market1 trials by the end of Project LEO.
- Test the technical, commercial, and social viability of the Plug-in project exemplars in current market conditions.
- Inform policy and regulatory processes currently on-going, e.g., RIIO-2 and RIIO-ED2², to ensure that they support the development of a mass market of flexible assets (generation, storage, and demand-side reduction) at the grid edge.
This document is a review of the first year of the plug-in projects. Click on the download to access the report.