In 2024, we saw some important strides being made in the fight against climate change, particularly in the energy sector. Here are five positive developments we wanted to reflect on as the year draws to a close.
1. Closure of the UK’s last coal-fired power station
In September 2024, the UK became the first G7 nation to fully divest itself of coal-generated electricity when the doors of the last remaining coal-fired power station – Ratcliffe-on-Soar in Nottinghamshire – closed. Our history with burning coal goes back a long way with the first power station opening in 1882. The closure is a huge milestone in the UK’s relationship with fossil fuels and how the country is powered.
2. UK Government eases development of clean energy projects
The UK has initiated a plan to simplify the development of clean energy projects, aiming to meet its climate targets. The UK plans to largely decarbonise our power sector by 2030, reducing dependence on gas-fired power and boosting renewable energy capacity. Key to achieving this goal are reforms in the grid connection process and the planning system. The new plan designates onshore wind projects over 100 megawatts under the Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project regime, easing planning consent.
3. Record renewable energy generation in the UK
Data shows that for three consecutive quarters, over 50% of the energy generated in the UK has been renewable – a record never seen before. This achievement underscores the transformation from a fossil fuel-based energy system to one based on renewables.
4. Global renewable energy sees spectacular growth
Global renewable energy capacity hit 50% growth in 2023, its fastest growth rate for twenty years. Renewable capacity is on course to increase by 2.5 times by the end of the decade, keeping a key COP28 climate target of tripling renewable capacity within reach.
For our fifth positive news story, I’ve cheated slightly by looking closer to home and highlighting a story from the Low Carbon Hub.
5. Low Carbon Hub reinvests £1million of its own income into community benefit
As of 2024 we hit an important milestone at Low Carbon Hub: we reinvested over £1 million of our own income from our renewable energy projects back into the community.
In addition, for every £1 of our own funds created, we attracted an additional £13 in grants and contracts to support our communities, drive innovation and deliver carbon reduction programmes. This achievement stands as a testament to the power of community energy. You can read more about this in detail here.
These developments highlight a year of progress towards the transition to a better energy system.
Looking to 2025…
And, looking ahead to 2025, what are we most positive about?
We are excited about the potential the UK government’s Local Power Plan can offer community energy. This is part of the new GB Energy publicly-owned company being set up by the government in 2025. It will grant-fund local authorities to develop projects in low-income areas and low-cost loans into community energy projects and it could be a game-changer for community energy.
For more on this, and our wider vision for our energy system, read our recently published 10-year Strategic Plan.