Low carbon West Oxford (LCWO)
Low Carbon West Oxford was set up initially after the summer floods of 2007 by residents concerned about the link between climate change and local flooding. It is now a community-led initiative which aims to combat climate change by cutting CO2 emissions by 80 % by 2050, encouraging residents to live more sustainably, and contributing to a more cohesive and resilient community. Capital raised by West Oxford Community Renewables, through the surplus income generated from its energy projects, is reinvested in other carbon cutting projects in the community through a programme of lively and creative events.
LCWO seek to ensure that everyone who lives and works in the area has a chance to participate in and benefit from it’s projects. There are 5 main topics of action, including: food, home energy, transport and money and each action is researched and promoted through a series of “Act Now“ workshops. LCWO created ‘Kids Climate Action Network’ (KidsCAN), to create safe and empowering climate change resources and information for children, as well as for the adults looking to engage with the younger generation. They created visually interesting and engaging materials for children and teachers that can be downloaded and shared.
LCWO developed it’s own carbon footprint tool – the Quicksilver Calculator – as part of its Low Carbon Living Programme. The calculator has been kept up to date, and is available to download and use, complete with a how-to guide to make it easy. They are part of the Communities for Zero Carbon Oxford and a member of the Coalition for Healthy Streets and Active Travel.