Celebrating International Youth Day

Low Carbon Hub engages with young people through various projects, events, and services.

Happy International Youth Day! Here we have brought together our youth-focused Low Carbon Hub resources and programmes. Young people have been calling for climate action for a long time, here’s what we are doing to support our future climate leaders:


Here is a list of things that schools can do to take action on climate:


Solar schools

We offer rooftop surveys and install community-owned solar panels on your school’s roof at no cost to you, cutting carbon emissions and saving you money. We build and manage community-owned renewable energy projects with schools across Oxfordshire:

If you’re interested in working with us at your school, please contact James, our Business Development Manager.

Action on Carbon and Energy in Schools

Action on Carbon and Energy in Schools (ACES) is an energy efficiency support service to help schools in Oxfordshire carry out energy saving measures to cut carbon emissions, save money on energy bills, and make buildings more comfortable and healthier for staff and students.

Community engagement

We occasionally get the opportunity to engage with the local communities around Oxfordshire through events and workshops. A recent workshop focused on young people was the Green Futures Conference.

To keep updated about our work within the communities around Oxfordshire, sign up to our newsletter here.