CURRENT Investor members

Information for current shareholders

On this page you’ll find information and FAQs for existing investments. If your query isn’t answered, please email and we’ll be happy to help.

For full details of your investment, please refer to the Rules of the Low Carbon Hub IPS and the Share Offer document for your particular investment.

You can view your existing investments and make edits to your personal details through our investor portal. Watch the video below to find out how to get started.

Key forms for current investors

If any of your details have changed, please let us know using the forms below.

If you need to change your contact details (name, address, email etc) or have any further queries, please email us at

Investor resource and support centre

Below you’ll find questions commonly asked by existing Investor Members. If you have a question not covered here or need to make a complaint, please contact

View current and previous reports

You can view current and past reports such as Social Impact Reports, Annual Performance Summaries, as well as programme reports here.

View previous share offers

To view our previous Share Offers, and find information on interest payment and financial returns, please go to our Previous Offers page.

Some of my personal details have changed – what do I do?

If you have any changes to your personal details, including change of name, address, or email, then contact us at informing us of the change. Or call us on 01865 246099. If you want to change your bank details, use the form above under ‘Key forms for current investors’.

What if I lose my share certificate?

If you lose your share certificate, contact us at and request a replacement. There may be a charge for a reissue.

Can I withdraw my shares?

Investors are encouraged to view their investment as a long-term commitment to supporting community energy

Investors in Solar 2014, Solar 2016, and Sandford hydro will slowly have their capital returned to them over the lifetime of the projects.

Investors in the Community Energy Fund can ask to withdraw equity after the fourth anniversary of their investment, up to a maximum of £20,000 in any one year. There is an annual withdrawal request cycle, and we will email all eligible investors once a year.

In exceptional circumstances, and when funds allow, the Directors may consider requests for the immediate return of capital for reasons of personal hardship – This could include:
a) Critical illness or death (affecting the investor or their immediate family)
b) Redundancy or loss of employment by the investor or their immediate family that results in a significant change in household income
c) Any other significant, unpredictable changes in circumstances, considered on a case-by-case basis.

If you would like to request to withdraw your shares, please contact

Please refer to The Low Carbon Hub IPS Limited Rules for more information on withdrawing shares.

Can I sell or transfer my shares?

No, a member cannot sell or transfer any of their Class ‘A’ Shares to any other person, including family members. The only exception to this is if the shares were originally bought on behalf of a child in which case you can request to transfer the shares to the child when they turn 16.

What happens to my shares if I die?

You can complete a Nomination of Shares on Death form (available above under the ‘Key forms for current investors’ section, to nominate a recipient for the value of the shares in the event of your death. This is the simplest way to ensure your shares will be transferred in line with your wishes.

If a member dies and a form hasn’t been completed, the executor of their estate will need to contact the Low Carbon Hub to arrange the transfer of the shares to a nominated person as agreed by the executor.

We always suggest that investors seek external advice on their estate planning. If you’d like more information, please contact us on

How do I know which share portfolio I have invested in?

Refer to the share certificate that was issued to you on purchase of your shares and the accompanying documentation for further information on your share portfolio. Or contact us at and we can confirm your shareholdings.

What’s the difference between ‘A’ and ‘B’ class shares?

The Low Carbon Hub IPS has a number of existing Members, the vast majority of which hold withdrawable ‘A’ Class shares. There are also ten pioneer investors who between them hold £150,000 of ‘B’ Class ‘transferable’ shares. Their investment qualified for SEIS, entitling them to tax relief of 50%. Their investment was offered with a target rate of return of 3%. This has now been aligned to the terms set out in 2014 Share Offer, and so payments to these investors are made on the same basis as Solar 2014 investors.

If you are a ‘B’ class shareholder and have questions about your investment, please do get in touch with us at

How do I find out how my investment is doing?

You can read about the annual performance summary of our portfolio in our Annual Report and Accounts available here.

Until 2024 we produced a separate Social Impact Report and Annual Performance Summary each year, which you can see here. We have now brought all of this information together in an updated Annual Report and Accounts.

We also keep our investors up-to-date via our email newsletters, which you can sign up to here.

How is my data being held?

Although we are using third parties to assist with the administration of the share offer, the Low Carbon Hub IPS Limited controls and is responsible for the use of your information. We will use your data to keep you up to date with the work of the Low Carbon Hub IPS Limited. We will not sell, rent, or lend your data to other organisations. Our Privacy Statement is available here.

The Online Investors Portal does not recognise my email address?

To set your password you need to enter the email address we have on file for you. If you do not remember which email address you gave us, or if the portal does not recognise your email, please contact us on or by phone on 01865 546452.

The Online Investors Portal doesn’t recognise my username

Your username for the portal is not your email address and is given to you on the page where you set your password. If you did not take note of your username, you can either follow the instructions again to reset your password or contact us at

How do I save and/or print my interest statement information?

On the page displaying your statement information, go to the menu for your internet browser and select print.  When the print screen appears, select “Save as PDF” under the Destination dropdown menu and then click on save.  This will allow you to save the page with your statement information as a PDF document that you can then print or send as an email attachment.

Where can I find the login instructions for the new online investors portal?

If you cannot find your login instructions, please contact us at and we will email you a PDF copy of the login instructions.

I have a question about my statement information

If you have a question about your statement information, please contact us by email on or by phone on 01865 246099.