• Get involved in climate action

    Get involved with climate action in Oxfordshire! We often get questions from people who want to get involved in tackling climate change in Oxfordshire. Unfortunately, as a small organisation we aren’t always in a position to take on volunteers or staff at the Low Carbon Hub, so we’re limited in the ways you can be…
    10 January 2022
  • Climate action, energy, Oxford, and our role in 2022

    Happy new year from everybody at the Low Carbon Hub! Climate action in Oxfordshire Three years ago, in January 2019, the Oxford City Council officially declared a climate emergency in Oxford. In April, they announced the UK’s first citizens assembly to address the climate crisis within Oxford. This citizens assembly was held over two weekends…
    7 January 2022
  • Community Group of the Month: Osney Lock Hydro

    We are delighted to announce that Osney lock Hydro is our  First Community Group of the Month for 2022! Osney Lock Hydro is the first community-owned hydro scheme to be built on the Thames. Set on the banks of the river Thames at Osney Lock, opposite the site of Oxford’s first electrical power station, it…
    5 January 2022
  • Our Community Highlights of 2021

    As 2021 comes to a close, we wanted to reflect on the highlights of the year in our work with our communities. Community groups continued to flourish despite the pandemic Community coffee mornings continued We held our first Low Carbon Hub community coffee morning of 2021 on Tuesday 23 February and discussed the challenges and…
    30 December 2021
  • Our Hub highlights of 2021: Programmes

    As 2021 comes to a close, we wanted to reflect on our Hub highlights of the year for our key programmes. Project LEO Project LEO (Local Energy Oxfordshire) is an ambitious, wide-ranging and innovative trial, seeking to accelerate the UK’s transition to a zero-carbon energy system. This year the 10 partner consortium made some great…
    25 December 2021
  • Our Hub highlights of 2021

    As 2021 comes to a close, we wanted to reflect on our Hub highlights of the year – it’s been another unconventional one! We celebrated £3 million invested in the Community Energy Fund We met our target of raising £3 million of new investment into the Community Energy Fund ahead of the 31 March 31.…
    20 December 2021
  • Fill in the CoHSAT 15 minute neighbourhood survey

    Whether you live in a city, town or village in Oxfordshire, the Coalition for Healthy Streets and Active Travel (CoHSAT) want to know what amenities you consider most important to have within a 15 minute walk or cycle ride. The concept of a 15-minute neighbourhood (15MN) is that the amenities that are most important to…
    10 December 2021
  • Interning at the Low Carbon Hub

    Post by Gina Moran, Low Carbon Hub Intern, and author of Best Social and Environmental Practice Guidance for Ray Valley Solar. Over the summer of 2021, I was lucky enough to spend a week working with the Low Carbon Hub. I was retained as a Sustainable Research Intern in advance of the construction of Ray…
    8 December 2021
  • Community Group of the Month: Greener Great Coxwell

    We are delighted to announce that Greener Great Coxwell is our  Community Group of the Month for December 2021! Greener Great Coxwell formed earlier this year and have already brought several carbon reducing initiatives to their beautiful village. They are one of the Hub’s most recent members and we were impressed by their ambitious plans…
    1 December 2021
  • We’re moving!

    We’re really pleased to announce that we’ve been invited to join an exciting and innovative new workplace: The Energy Systems Accelerator pilot – better known as Mini TESA – to be based at Holywell House at Osney Mead in Oxford.  This is a world-leading multi-disciplinary hub and co-working space, championing green innovation. It is a…
    26 November 2021
  • Top marks for Oxfordshire primary school in one-of-a-kind sustainable school trial

    Press release by Smarter Grid Solutions Partnership between Smarter Grid Solutions and the Low Carbon Hub demonstrates potential of community energy A primary school in Oxfordshire could pave the way to greater sustainability and cost-savings in schools nationwide thanks to a one-of-a-kind trial of green energy storage on school grounds. The trial brings together clean energy…
    26 November 2021