• Interest-free loan now available for Oxfordshire County Council maintained schools to install energy saving measures 

    Oxfordshire County Council have re-launched an interest-free loan scheme to provide county maintained schools the opportunity to install energy saving measures. After a successful first round of funding last year in which four schools were supported, the loan offer re-launches this year with limited funding available on a first come, first served basis. The offer…
    14 February 2024
  • Low Carbon Hub at the Environmental Audit Committee

    Low Carbon Hub CEO Barbara Hammond was invited to speak at the recent Environmental Audit Committee on ‘Enabling sustainable electrification of the UK economy’. The discussion delved into issues of connecting new renewables to the grid, planning processes, engaging with communities where renewable energy projects are set to be placed and the value of Local…
    5 February 2024
  • Stock photo of solar park

    Botley West Solar Farm

    Botley West is a 840 MW solar park proposed to be built to the West and North of Oxford. The project is currently in its second phase of consultation until 8 February. During this time residents are invited to provide their feedback.
    31 January 2024
  • Great Crested Newts at Ray Valley Solar

    Ray Valley Solar stands as a testament to the power of community-owned energy. However, beneath the solar panels lies a hidden treasure – the great crested newt. In this blog, we’ll delve into the reasons behind the protection of great crested newts, the challenges they face, and the unique habitat they require for their survival.…
    12 January 2024
  • Low carbon & active travel options for Oxfordshire

    Developing sustainable travel options and increasing the uptake of active travel in Oxfordshire is a long-term quest. By 2030 the population of Oxfordshire is predicted to grow by 15% and there are ambitious plans to build around 100,000 new homes. The challenge of increasing traffic congestion, leading to high levels of air pollution and slow…
    22 December 2023
  • Job Vacancy: Marketing and Communications Coordinator

    Fantastic opportunity for a skilled communicator to put your experience to good use. Join our team helping to develop an energy system that’s good for people and good for the planet. Low Carbon Hub is looking for a Marketing and Communications Coordinator to support the development and delivery of campaigns, manage our social media accounts,…
    19 December 2023
  • Energy Champions Training Success  

    We sometimes get questions about how people can get involved in our work. At Low Carbon Hub we know that community members themselves are in the best place to be a catalyst for change within their local community. That’s why we have our Energy Champions – these individuals play a vital role in disseminating knowledge…
    14 December 2023
  • What Project LEO has meant for Low Carbon Hub

    Looking back on the achievements of the groundbreaking Project LEO initiative that ended in March 2023, Low Carbon Hub CEO, Barbara Hammond said: Nothing like this has been done in the UK before; everyone’s been learning, and it has been a programme that gives us enormous hope for the future. We’ve demonstrated a way forward…
    6 December 2023
  • Fuel Poverty Awareness Day and the importance of energy efficiency

    Fuel Poverty Awareness Day serves as a reminder that access to affordable and sustainable energy is a basic human right. We need to prioritise energy efficiency as one way of addressing fuel poverty while we work towards a future that is more environmentally responsible and equitable. Approximately 6.3 million households in the UK currently struggle…
    30 November 2023
  • Navigating the Energy Price Cap: what it means for you

    Just as temperatures are starting to drop, it’s been announced that energy prices in the UK are set to rise by 5% in from January 2024. In this blog we explore what that might mean for local residents. The increase represents a climb from £1,834 to £1,928 a year for a typical annual energy bill…
    24 November 2023
  • Net Zero Skills Hub offers free learning sessions to public

    Did you know that approximately 33% of carbon emissions in Oxfordshire stem from buildings (with a staggering 46% of emissions coming from street lighting)?  Or that a report from Oxford revealed that a jaw-dropping 81% of the total carbon emissions in Oxford City are attributed to energy use in buildings? These kinds of statistics call for an urgent, transformative approach…
    22 November 2023