Could your school be saving on energy?
We work with schools across Oxfordshire on their energy efficiency, including installing solar PV panels to generate their own electricity. If you’re interested in working with us at your school, please contact Jack our Business Manager.
Become a solar school
Did you know your school roof could be a clean energy power station? We can help you to determine whether your school’s rooftop is suitable for solar panels, and to complete the installation if it is.
A rooftop survey
We can provide a free rooftop survey to see if solar panels are right for your school. This will tell you about the potential carbon and electricity savings they would enable. To arrange your free, no obligation, rooftop survey, contact info@lowcarbonhub.org

Installing solar PV panels
If your school’s buildings are found to be suitable for solar PV you may choose to install and own your own panels.
Or, you can partner with us to install a community-owned solar array at your school at no cost to yourself.
We sell the electricity generated by the panels to your school at a discount, saving you money on your energy bills. Any surplus is sold to the grid, with 100% of surplus going into community benefit to support more action on climate change.
Action on Carbon and Energy in Schools
Could your school be saving on energy?
Action on Carbon and Energy in Schools (ACES) is our energy efficiency support service to help schools in Oxfordshire carry out energy saving measures to cut carbon emissions, save money on energy bills, and make buildings more comfortable and healthier for staff and students.
Support is available for schools across Oxfordshire. Find out more on the ACES website.
Join the Let’s Go Zero campaign
Let’s Go Zero’s Climate Action Advisors are a network of free, independent experts who can support schools on their journey to become zero carbon – helping you go further, faster with your plans to take action on climate. They can help you to meet the DfE expectation that all schools have a sustainability Lead and Climate Action Plan in place by 2025. They will meet schools where they are and offer a bespoke service, tailored to your setting, helping you to join the dots and develop a plan that tackles full-scope emissions across a range of pillars in your school, including energy, water, waste, transport, food, nature, green skills and careers, curriculum, adaptation and resilience.
You can register for support from a Climate Action Advisor here: letsgozero.org/climate-action-advisors

- Project
Brookside Primary School
Brookside Primary School rooftop solar PV panels, community owned and operated by Low Carbon Hub, Oxfordshire