Saskya Huggins
Social Impact Director; Exec Director of Low Carbon Hub CIC and IPS Limited
Saskya sits on the Grants Committee and the Strategy Committee.
She has over 25 years’ experience in the voluntary sector and has worked with a wide range of organisations, from entirely volunteer-run initiatives to national and global charities such as Comic Relief, UNICEF and Oxfam. During this time, Saskya has been involved in strategy development, fundraising, multi-agency collaborative projects and corporate social responsibility. She now works for the Low Carbon Hub, supporting the development of community-owned renewable energy across Oxfordshire. Her voluntary work included running Low Carbon West Oxford’s Low Carbon Living Programme – encouraging people to take practical action to make significant, sustained cuts to their carbon footprint. Saskya is a Director of Osney Lock Hydro Ltd. She is a member of the Institute of Fundraisers, holds a Natural Sciences degree, a certificate in voluntary sector management, and in 2011 studied Social Marketing at the Open University. Saskya lives in Oxford with her husband and two children.