CAPZero Open Meeting
The CAPZero report was met with enthusiasm at Eynsham Village Hall, on 26 April 2023.
Eynsham Smart and Fair Futures, one of the six Project LEO Smart and Fair Neighbourhood Trials, has developed a Community Action Plan for Zero Carbon Energy, for the parishes within the Eynsham Primary Substation Area. This is the first local energy action plan in the UK to be developed at community level. A summary of the plan was introduced by members of Green TEA and Low Carbon Hub at a packed open meeting at the Village Hall, Eynsham on 26 April 2023.
There was a fantastic turn out of over 50 people in the small hall, with standing room only. Most of the eight parishes within the Cuckoo Lane Primary Substation Area were represented, along with residents and representatives of West Oxfordshire District Council, and county councillors.

The atmosphere was electric, as everyone listened intently as Sarah Couch, Energy lead at Green TEA, talked through the findings of the CAPZero presentation. It was heartening to see such a variety of people and parishes so engaged, and eager to take part in the discussion.
Barbara Hammond, CEO of Low Carbon Hub, said:
“I was absolutely astonished at the turnout and the energy in the room – standing room only and lots of very engaged questions. There were people there from pretty much every parish, along with most of the relevant WODC councillors too.”
It was clear that everyone present was enthusiastic to support an action plan that demonstrates how a locally balanced energy system can bring social, economic, and environmental benefits for everyone.
There were lots of new faces from the Eynsham area attending the meeting, with 21 people subscribing to the Green TEA mailing list to hear about opportunities, how to get involved and to keep up to date with the project.
The full CAPZero report is near completion and will be available soon on the Low Carbon Hub website. Copies of the shorter CAPZero summary brochure that encapsulates the headlines of the detailed report, were available to take away, and were snapped up by most of the parish representatives and residents.
The CAPZero summary report can be downloaded here.
The next steps will be to work out how to implement the actions in the plan and how to work together with the support of the parish, district and county councils, local businesses, schools, and households.
Most people left the meeting feeling inspired that a solution to the challenges we face, if we all take part, is possible.
Look out for information on the Green TEA website. The full report and parish by parish action plans will be available soon on the Low Carbon Hub website.