• Reaching 40 community groups

    We welcome our 40th community group member at Low Carbon Hub! We are really pleased to welcome our newest community group – Sustainable Botley – who are joining our existing 39 community group members from across Oxfordshire, to bring our total membership to 40. Sustainable Botley is a newly formed community group that recognises the…
    26 May 2022
  • Help us improve by filling in our survey – and win a hamper!

    Our annual ‘How are we doing?’ survey is now live. Your feedback is vital in making sure we’re doing as much as we can to meet our mission of creating an energy system that’s good for the planet, and for people. We always want to be improving our work, and how we communicate it with…
    31 March 2022
  • Our Community Highlights of 2021

    As 2021 comes to a close, we wanted to reflect on the highlights of the year in our work with our communities. Community groups continued to flourish despite the pandemic Community coffee mornings continued We held our first Low Carbon Hub community coffee morning of 2021 on Tuesday 23 February and discussed the challenges and…
    30 December 2021
  • Our Hub highlights of 2021: Programmes

    As 2021 comes to a close, we wanted to reflect on our Hub highlights of the year for our key programmes. Project LEO Project LEO (Local Energy Oxfordshire) is an ambitious, wide-ranging and innovative trial, seeking to accelerate the UK’s transition to a zero-carbon energy system. This year the 10 partner consortium made some great…
    25 December 2021
  • Our Hub highlights of 2021

    As 2021 comes to a close, we wanted to reflect on our Hub highlights of the year – it’s been another unconventional one! We celebrated £3 million invested in the Community Energy Fund We met our target of raising £3 million of new investment into the Community Energy Fund ahead of the 31 March 31.…
    20 December 2021
  • 2021 social impact report

    We are really pleased to announce the publication of our 2021 Social Impact Report. Every year we publish a round-up of the contribution we have made during the past financial year towards the creation of an energy system that is good for people and good for the planet. 2020/21 was a record-breaking year, with: 4.3…
    17 September 2021
  • Results of our 2021 annual survey

    The results are in for our 2021 ‘How are we doing?’ survey and they show that people continue to trust in our expertise around local, renewable energy and low carbon. Our respondents also continue to perceive us to be committed to the creation of a low carbon, locally owned renewable energy system. We’re really pleased…
    8 September 2021
  • 2021 annual performance summaries

    We are pleased to announce the publication of our 2021 Annual Performance Summaries. Each year we produce an Annual Performance Summary for our previous share offers, giving an insight into the latest financial, social, and environmental performance of your investment(s). This has been a year of adapting, as the Covid-19 pandemic has meant our staff…
    27 August 2021
  • Charlie Luxton presents at the Low Carbon Hub Inspired by Communities event 2019

    Our Hub highlights of 2020

    As 2020 comes to a close, we wanted to reflect on our Hub highlights of the year – it’s been an unconventional one! Community Energy Fund 2020 We re-opened our Community Energy Fund for 2020 early in the year, welcoming over 300 new investors and raising a huge £1.5 million, which is already supporting community energy…
    15 December 2020
  • Make an investment for the next generation

    Saving money for the future is one of the best gifts you can give to a child, often helping towards major life goals such as putting down a deposit for a house. If you invest a small amount of money now, over a number of years that could become a substantial pot of money. For…
    5 May 2020
  • Invest to change the energy system for the better

    Previously, we explored why investing your money in a positive way is a great action to take if you want to do something about climate change. But with so many elements making up climate change (food production, fossil fuel extraction, biodiversity loss, media and communication etc), how do you decide where to make an investment?…
    21 April 2020
  • [CLOSED] Help us improve our work by filling in our perception survey – and win a hamper!

    Your feedback is vital in making sure we’re doing as much as we can to meet our mission of creating an energy system that’s good for the planet, and for people. We always want to be improving our work, and how we communicate it with the people who support us, just like you. That’s why…
    9 April 2020