• CAPZero on the radio!

    Mim Saxl, Net Zero Communities Manager at Low Carbon Hub and Sarah Couch of Eynsham community group GreenTEA recently joined Witney Radio’s Grant Grindley to talk about our Community Action Plan for Zero-Carbon Energy (CAPZero).  You can hear the half hour interview, and learn all about our ground-breaking project on WRFM’s website here.
    11 September 2024
  • Launching the Osney Island Grid Edge Tour 

    Welcome to Osney Island, the heart of Oxford and a community of a few hundred households ready to showcase their journey toward a sustainable net zero future. Embark on a virtual tour with us as we delve into the intricacies of the ‘grid edge’ – the point where electricity from the wider network connects to…
    17 November 2023
  • How does energy get to our homes?

    In our everyday lives, we rely on energy, yet we often have limited knowledge of how it enters our homes, powers our appliances, and how we pay for it. So how does energy get to our homes? Think of it as a giant water supply system: Power plants are like water treatment plants that generate…
    2 June 2023
  • Exploring the Key Messages from our Smart and Fair Neighbourhood trials Report

    As the ambitious and pioneering Project LEO drew to a close earlier this year, we have produced a report that looked at the Smart Fair Neighbourhood trials that took place over the term of Project LEO that outlined what was tested and achieved through each of the six local trials. The D3.10 Report is a…
    5 May 2023
  • Explaining the People’s Power Station 2.0

    When we picture a power station, what generally springs to mind is a massive structure full of complex technical equipment that produces electricity. The People’s Power Station 2.0 is a bit different, so we wanted to take the opportunity to explain what it is, why it’s invaluable to the work of Project LEO and Low…
    20 April 2023
  • End of Project LEO celebrations!

    Project LEO, a unique and ambitious four-year collaborative innovation programme, celebrated the end of the project and the launch of its final report.  Project LEO, which stands for Local Energy Oxfordshire, was a multi-million-pound initiative that aimed to trial how we can create a  greener, more flexible and fair electricity system not just in Oxfordshire…
    1 March 2023
  • Ray Valley Solar nears completion

    Work is fast approaching completion at our first ever ground mount solar park at Ray Valley Solar. Most of the 35,000 solar panels, 1.3 km at the longest point, have been installed on site with an expected completion date of late April. Bringing Ray Valley Solar online will result in a five-fold increase in the…
    7 April 2022
  • Save, Shift, Share –three strategies for a more secure energy future

    At the launch of the latest Climate Report of the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) , the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said “Now it’s time to stop burning our planet and start investing in abundant renewable energy all around us.” The report is a stark reminder of the need to take urgent action…
    5 April 2022
  • Take part in the Rose Hill Energy Survey

    The Rose Hill Smart and Fair Neighbourhood Trial has launched the next stage of its project with the Local Area Energy Mapping survey, known as ‘LEMAP’. The survey asks people questions about their home and energy use and is currently only available for people living in the Rose Hill project boundary (pictured below). If you…
    17 February 2022
  • Smarter Green Energy Transition podcast with our Smart Energy Systems Director

    Low Carbon Hub’s Smart Energy Systems Director Mairi Brookes recently appeared on the Smarter Grid Solutions podcast “Smart Grid Energy Transition”. Not only do we discover what launched Mairi’s career in energy and working towards climate solutions (for which we at the Hub are very grateful), we also hear her views on our extensive innovation…
    24 November 2021
  • Project LEO website launched

    We are very excited to announce the launch of Project LEO’s new website. A few months of work in the making, we are delighted to share with you the new site, which is easier to navigate, more user friendly and has a lot more information about the Project! Our goal with this new website is…
    30 July 2021
  • Stock photo of solar park

    Oxford City Council provides nearly £3.4m of funding to support Ray Valley Solar Park

    We’re delighted to announce that Oxford City Council has provided funding of nearly £3.4m towards the development of our first ever ground mount solar park at Ray Valley Solar, near Bicester.  Last week, at its Cabinet meeting, the Oxford City Council agreed to commit funding over a lifetime of 22.5 years to support the development of the…
    21 June 2021