Barford Environment Network

Barford Environment Network (BEN) formed in October 2021, inspired by the work of neighbouring Low Carbon Hub community group, Deddington Environment Network (DEN).

The group aims to raise awareness of sustainable initiatives and funding opportunities that will enable the transition to net-zero living for the communities of Barford St Michael and Barford St John in North Oxfordshire. The group is a non-political, not for profit, community led group and is open to all residents and village-based businesses.

Their aims and objectives are summarised in the Barford Environment Network Charter:

BEN aims to acquire and share information and knowledge across the network and to all the homes and families within our 2 villages for the benefit of all within our community.

BEN wants to work with wider partners and existing organisations to help develop and implement sustainable ideas and policies into change at local, grass root level. These include Hook Norton Low Carbon, DEN, Low Carbon Hub, Community Action Group Network, Barfords’ Parish Council, Cherwell District and Oxfordshire County Council.

BEN aims to support residents to make decisions with independent information and research on how best to transfer towards sustainable living, preparing for future changes in policy and legislation.  

The group got off to a great start with a community evening on Thursday March 3rd 2022, at the village hall. They were joined by Tim Lunel from Low Carbon Hub who explained how we could make our homes more sustainable with the addition of better insulation and heat pumps. Sam Thomas from Oxfordshire County Council outlined grant funding that is available for homes that have an annual income of £30,000 or less and need help with heating.

If you would like to find out more about BEN they have a stall each month at the Barford Market, or by contacting John O’Brien on: