Rose Hill and Iffley Low Carbon (RHILC)
RHILC are a vibrant Community Action Group in South East Oxford aiming to make their area cleaner and greener by promoting renewable energy, energy conservation, waste reduction and tree planting. The group are very active in all these areas and aims to make Rose Hill the first zero carbon estate in the country.

They have planted over 600 trees on the recreation ground and recently organised the planting of the Rose Hill community orchard involving representatives from16 local community groups. The project was filmed with the help of a small grant of £500 from the Low Carbon Hub community grant fund.
Renewable energy and joining forces with other groups and organisations are both important parts of the group’s activities and a major portion of Rose Hill’s electricity is now generated by solar power. They successfully persuaded Oxford City Council to cover the roof of Rose Hill Community Centre with 190 solar PV panels which in turn provide power for the EV’s in the shared car club. They partnered with Low Carbon Hub to install 109 solar PV panels on Rose Hill Primary School.
RHILC also run popular recycling events like repair cafes and swap shops at the Rose Hill Community Centre where all sorts of gadgets are repaired for free. They also work with Broken Spoke who provide a bike repair workshop at the events.