Sustainable Harwell
Sustainable Harwell is a newly formed low carbon community group operating in Harwell.
Sustainable Harwell are a community action group operating in Harwell village, working on sustainability projects. They have multiple projects tackling climate change, reducing waste and pollution, and improving our environment. They welcome participation by all.
You can subscribe to their newsletter list here to receive emails with news and information relevant to Sustainable Harwell.
Smart Plugs Project
Following a talk by Equiwatt in May 2022, titled ‘‘Why demand management and engaging communities of homes can collectively make a difference to our energy systems’, Sustainable Harwell have been offering members of their group the opportunity of free smart plug/s for use in their home. More details here.
The talk focused on how residential demand side response can help UK households collectively help the transition toward renewable energy, providing flexibility to the grid and reducing energy use during peak times by acting as a virtual power plant through connected assets such as EVs and home appliances.

Community Orchard
A team of volunteers has been looking after the young hedgerow plants for the Community Orchard in the Rec. The group had a tremendous team of helpers planting over 30 trees over the first weekend of December 2022.
Info from the Sustainable Harwell website.