Sustainable Woodstock
Sustainable Woodstock was formed in 2009 and is a dedicated low carbon community group that aims to bring the community together to highlight action that can be taken to reduce the carbon footprint of Woodstock.
They are interested in raising awareness on issues that impact on climate change such as: energy conservation, waste reduction, recycling, bio-diversity and sustainable economics. They are looking into setting up a smart local energy system that would link local renewables, E.V.’s and battery storage.

One of their major concerns is improving the energy efficiency of local homes and buildings and they conducted a survey of each home that included a free thermal imaging service and explanation of the report and recommendations.
They worked in partnership with a number of other low carbon groups, including Sustainable Kirtlington and Low Carbon Oxford North to establish a group – buying scheme to facilitate the installation of solar PV panels on homes, community buildings and business premises.
They run lively and popular initiatives such as regular swap shops and a Plastic Free Woodstock campaign and have sold over 1000 locally produced jute bags, designed to reduce the use of single use plastic bags in the area.
They created the first Community Woodland in Woodstock which is now in use as a nature reserve by local primary schools.