Help us improve by filling in our survey – and win a hamper!

Our annual ‘How are we doing?’ survey is now live.

Your feedback is vital in making sure we’re doing as much as we can to meet our mission of creating an energy system that’s good for the planet, and for people. We always want to be improving our work, and how we communicate it with the people who support us, just like you.

That’s why we have a survey every year, allowing us to gather your thoughts and comments so that we can keep improving what we do.

Whether you’re a Low Carbon Hub investor, a member of one of our community groups, a project partner, a local collaborator, or someone we’ve supported through our Helpdesk – we want to know your thoughts. Plus, if you fill in the survey you’ll be entered in our free prize draw – details below.

The survey is completely anonymous and takes less than 5 minutes to complete. It closes at midnight on 30 April 2022.

What is the information used for?

We use the information gathered in the survey to improve what we do. For example, as a direct result of feedback from previous surveys, we have worked to improve our direct communications to our investor members, as well as improving our communications about our projects, programmes, and community groups to our wider audiences. It also feeds into our annual Social Impact Report.

Survey prize draw

This year we’re running a prize draw competition. All you need to do is fill in the survey, provide your contact details either in the survey or separately (details on how to do this are included in the survey) and you’ll be entered to win a hamper filled with ethical, edible treats.

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  • News story

    Great Big Green Week 2024  

    16 July 2024
    Low Carbon Hub is proud to have a network of 46 incredible community groups who do fantastic work to help combat climate change. Many groups organised inspiring events during Great Big Green Week to help their communities take positive steps towards a zero-carbon future. We were delighted to take part in some of the events.