Resources for energy champions
We are working with volunteer Energy Champions across Oxfordshire to provide advice and support to people facing difficulties because of the energy crisis.
If you are already one of our Energy Champions, you’ll find a range of resources, including support on running advice stalls below.
If you’re looking for support on your energy use and bills, have a look at our Warmer Winter Checklist for some simple tips and advice and how to cut your energy use and stay warm this winter. Including where to go for more support.
If you’d like to become an energy champion, information about training is below.
Find a local Energy Champion
On the map below you’ll find information about the locations of our energy champions across Oxfordshire.
Energy Champion events
Register your energy advice stall / event
Energy champions planning an energy advice stall or activity should complete a registration form. Use this form to let us know:
- Details about the activity
- Request additional materials and resources (minimum 10 days notice required)
- Help with including your event on the calendar
- Help with publicity
- Requesting event support from the Energy Advisor
Register your event: Please tell us about your energy advice event / activity using the online form. This form also enables you to order more supplies for your stall.
Risk assessment template
If you are running an activity as a Low Carbon Hub Energy Champion, you must complete a risk assessment. Depending on the requirements of the venue, you may need to submit it to the venue, but we also need a copy submitted to the Low Carbon Hub.
Please download and print this form and return it to
Post-event monitoring form
Following every stall or event, please complete our event monitoring form. You’ll need to keep some tallies during the event to gather the data needed.
Then following the event, please complete this online form (our preference). Or you can return the print version to us at
Resources for Energy Champions
Here you’ll find some further information to help you deliver advice to people in your communities.
Energy Champion: Guidance Notes
More detailed notes and explanations that expand on the information in the Warmer Winter Checklist can be found here.
If you would like hard copes of our Winter Warmer Checklist to distribute to your kids club, food larder, or any other community group, please get in touch and we will send you copies.
Energy saving advice slides
Download these slides and send them to your local GP surgery or any community building that has a screen available to display them.
Thermal imaging camera
Low Carbon Hub has two thermal imaging cameras that our Low Carbon Community Groups can book to support thermal imaging activity in their community.
- About our cameras:
- Camera 1 (model: FLIR e30bx)
- Spare battery
- Case dimensions:
- Weight (including case):
- 4 hr operating time
- 160 x 120 pixels
- -20°C to 120 ºC temperature range
- built-in Wi-Fi
- Camera 2 (model: FLIR E5xt)
- Case dimensions:
- Weight (including case):
- 4 hr operating time
- 160 × 120 pixels
- -20°C to 400°C temperature range
- built-in Wi-Fi
- Camera 1 (model: FLIR e30bx)

You may also find this guide to a (community) thermal imaging project CAG Oxfordshire wrote for us useful:
Referral information
Below you’ll find the links and information for referring people to key services.
Priority Services Register
If you are over 60, have young children, or use electrically powered medical equipment, register with your energy company and get extra help and support if there is a power cut. Link to the Priority Services Register.
Better Housing Better Health
Call 0800 107 0044 for free and impartial energy advice for all Oxfordshire residents from understanding your bills to accessing grants and support. Visit their website.
LEAP: The Energy & Money Saving Service
Freephone 0800 060 7567 or visit their website:
Funding available in the local area
For those in Oxford City, the City Council have collated retrofit advice, plus an excellent summary of key grants for householders here. You can also download their helpful flow diagram which can help you check your eligibility for current financial support.
For those outside the city area, check Oxfordshire County Council’s retrofit pages here.
Energy Champion Training
If you’re part of a local environmental, climate or energy group and want to help people in your community facing difficulties because of the energy crisis, become an Energy Champion.
What you’ll learn
We are planning to run further training sessions to help participants become aware of the energy resources and materials that already exist, build their skills in talking to people about energy, and increase their knowledge of the actions people can take to help with energy costs.
By taking part you will:
- Understand the basic knowledge needed to give people advice on how to afford their energy costs.
- Feel confident to:
- talk with, and listen to, people about their energy and fuel bill concernstalk with people experiencing financial difficulties and give appropriate sources of advice and helpprovide clear advice on simple short-term and longer-term energy saving measures, using existing advice materialsdiscuss climate change issues and how these relate our energy use.Learn about the existing resources and materials available to help people reduce their energy use, climate impacts footprints over both short and longer terms.
- Feel confident in running a community advice stall.
Participants will also be expected to do some additional online learning.
Who can take part?
The training is primarily for people who are already involved in some way in a low carbon, environment, or climate change group – whether as a volunteer or in a paid capacity. This is so that champions can hit the ground running, using their existing networks.
Who delivers the training?
The course will be led by Chris Church, lead trainer for Talk Action Training, an advisor to Community Energy South, and a trustee of the Westmill Sustainable Energy Trust. He has also led work for the London Voluntary Services Commission on fuel poverty and energy.
Interested in joining us for Energy Champion Training?
We don’t currently have any training sessions planned. If you’d like to hear about any future training, register your interest here.